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Earth Telephone by Zigola

Sound-Art Installation to inspire people to make a heart connection with nature, with the Earth! On June 1, 2022 I will give a presentation to school children in Paris.
On June 5 they will join in a walk for the Earth and in the creation of the installation.
The sound-art installation 'Earth Telephone' will allow passers-by to communicate with the Earth by listening to nature's music on June 5, 2022 at Jardin Catherine-Labouré, Paris.

The installation is inspired by the wheelbarrow walk (
On April 22, 2022 Henry Mentink started a pilgrimage on foot from the Netherlands to the UNESCO in Paris with a wheelbarrow filled with earth brought by people from all over the world. Henry intents to ask the UNESCO to put planet Earth on the World Heritage List in order to give back the Earth to the Earth and all inhabitants. On June 5, 2022 Henry will pass the park in Paris where we intend to create the Earth Telephone
Read the full information about the event by Clicking Here!

2 July

Ängsbacka No-Mind Festival by Masterplants