Would like to start making your own plant music?
You dont need any prior Music production skills to get started. Having a Plantmusic Device is recommmended.
Book a Personalized Session
Do you already have a plant music device and you want to get started on your plant music producer journey, or are you an advanced producer who wants to get into biosonification & plant music?
Book a free “how to get started“ meeting with Tritone from Masterplants Orchestra and together we will personalize your path to becoming an advanced plant music creator.
Tritone Crisantemo
Tritone Crisantemo is a driving force behind Masterplants.
Living in the Spiritual Community “Damanhur” in northern Italy he merged his background in Sound Design and music with his deep love for Life into Masterplants Orchestra in 2019. Starting one of the first the Symphonic Plant Music projects.
Since then he has been touring the world playing more than 70 plant music concerts in the US, Europe, India and Africa, collaborating with other human artists, while constantly developing his technical skills and Artistic Expression in the world of Symphonic Plant Music and Art collaborations.
Connecting his Spiritual side with Art and Music while exploring the dimensions and philosophies of Natural sound and a holistic approach to music he has developed a somehow familiar yet still otherworldly sound to his Music.
“When anyone experiences the Unity of our Nature.
That unity becomes All that is seen and All that is practiced.
Life becomes a celebration of its own Miracle.
Pondering and Expressing this Miracle is Art.”